
RIIKO® Gravel Superstructures


RIIKO® gravel trucks and trailers

We implement RIIKO® Gravel Superstructures brand-freely for all trucks. We always design and manufacture superstructures on a customer-by-customer basis so that the finished assembly is exactly what you need. We implement RIIKO® Gravel Trucks, Gravel Trailers and Gravel Boxes for different applications according to the dimensions of the vehicle and the chassis. For road maintenace we also offer Kilafors trailers and Meiren plows and underbody scrapers.

RIIKO® optimizes load capacity

RIIKO® gravel superstructures made of modern high-strength steel guarantee maximum payload for your truck and trailer. For the RIIKO® subframe package, you can choose the components and dimensions according to your needs, so that the result is exactly what you need. In addition to RIIKO® products, equipment options include a wide selection of reliable and tested components from our subcontractors, such as hydraulics, coupling equipment and lights.


RIIKO® and road maintenance

Road maintenace truck is completed with Meiren products. We retail Meiren snow plows, underbody scrapers and control systems on trucks. Meiren has manufactured of snow plows and road maintenance equipment since 2003, and its certified and patented products are a certain choice for road maintenance work. Meiren's comprehensive product range includes plows and road maintenance equipment in different size categories with versatile equipment options. Patented blade holders and hydraulic sideshift make working pleasant and cost-effective. For trucks, there is also available a hydraulic control system.

RIIKO® gravel box and Kilafors chassis

RIIKO® gravel trailers are designed in cooperation with Kilafors Oy Ab. Kilafors is a top-quality trailer designed for Nordic conditions by the Swedish company Kilafors Industri AB. Kilafors 4 and 5 axle trailers are available as a chassis for gravel trailers, on which the RIIKO® Gravel Boxes are built according to your needs.


RIIKO® Gravel Trucks


riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat apurunko

RIIKO® subframe


riiko automaattikasetit perävaunut soralavat päällirakenne

RIIKO® gravel box

Trailer chassis

riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat alusta

Kilafors chassis with 4 or 5 axles


riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat kasetointi

Railless or rail cassetting


riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat kasetointi

Automatic cassetting


riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat akselit


Frame reinforcement

riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat rungonvahvike

Additional frame reinforcements

Axle lift


Lifting the axle according to the chassis



5 or 6 tube tipping

Locking device for trailer box

riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat lavalukitsin

Locking device for trailer box

Tailgate releasing device

riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat perälaudan aukaisin

Tailgate releasing device

Box locking device

riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat lavalukko

Gravel box locking device

Oil tanks

riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat öljysäiliö

Hydraulic oil tanks


riiko automaattikasetit perävaunut soralavat vetovarustus

TAV or VBG couplings and drawbars

Underbody scrapers

riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat alusterät

Meiren underbody scrapers


riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat lavapeitto

Mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic

Lights and light boxes

riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat valot

Work and headlights as well as turn signals and reflectors


riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat hydrauliikka

Hydraulic power center/ connection point



Hydraulic tailgate

Locking device for trailer box

riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat

Gravel box locker

Drawbar lifting


Drawbar lifting with two cylinders

Ladders and steps

riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat tikkaat

Climbing ladders and step boards


riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat pistokkeet

Electric and pneumatic plugs


riiko automaattikasetit soraperävaunut soralavat alleajosuoja

Rear and side underrun protection


Konekorjaamo Riikonen Oy is a partner company of Rahoitusturva. Rahoitusturva is a Finnish company specializing in corporate financial services, which offers our business customers flexible payment methods and financing options for products and services. Rahoitusturva services work quickly and effortlessly through online applications.


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Keijo Riikonen


Gravel superstructures and trailers, work acceptance, workshop and inspection services, tires, plows

Eino Hirvonen

Production Engineer

Superstructure product development, production control

Janne Riihiluoma

Design Engineer

Superstructure product design, brake calculations

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