
Painting and wash services


Exterior and interior washing, fixing

Base treatment

Sand blasting


Heavy machinery, industrial


Polishing, waxing, coating


Heavy machinery and commercial vehicles

We offer heavy machinery washing, painting and surface treatment services along good traffic connections in Liperi, Finland. We operate sandblasting and painting of heavy machinery and metal structures and parts. We also specialize in industrial painting. Heavy equipment washing services include e.g. exterior and interior washing, fixing and permanent coatings, polishing and waxing. We also handle commercial vehicles and construction machinery.

Ceramic coating

Our selection also includes ceramic coating of vehicle paint surfaces. Diamondbrite durable coating protects the vehicle's paint surface against UV radiation, salt, road dirt, acid rain, factory emissions, resin and sap, insects and other environmental hazards. The ceramic coating gives a shiny surface and does not need to be polished. The coating prevents the paint from fading, oxidizing and scratching. The Diamondbrite-treated paint surface is also easy to keep clean.


Paint shop and wash service

It is easy to arrive to the drive-through halls located in the industrial area, even with large vehicles. Drive-through blasting, painting and washing facilities enable even long combinations to be processed in one go. About 1000 m2 of production area is in use, so even a larger amount of equipment can be handled efficiently. The paint shop and wash services are available by appointment at Pajapolku 10, Ylämylly. Ask for more information and make reservation at our sales!


Konekorjaamo Riikonen Oy is a partner company of Rahoitusturva. Rahoitusturva is a Finnish company specializing in corporate financial services, which offers our business customers flexible payment methods and financing options for products and services. Rahoitusturva services work quickly and effortlessly through online applications.


We comprehensively do all the work, from small spot painting to painting the entire machinery. Attached are some examples of our previous implementations. Ask for more information about options in our sales! Contact information can be found below.


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Paint shop and wash services

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