Hook and cable lifts

Assembly of hook and cable lifts
We implement superstructures for demountable device trucks. We install the hook and cable lifts of your choice from all brands brands such as JOAB, Pajakulma, Multilift and HYVA. We are official retailer and service workshop for JOAB products. We install accessories you need, from coupling equipment to light installations. We also do all the necessary hydraulic and electrical installations. Take a look at our previous deliveries in the gallery and ask more about our sales of demountable equipment!
JOAB hooklifts
- 17, 20 and 24 ton capacity
- combined load retaining and quick lowering valve
- mechanical centre pivot
- electrically operated hydraulic lowering brake
- patented tipping torque amplifier
- external hydraulic body lock
- pneumatic or electric control

PK cable lifts
- 16, 20 and 25 ton capacity
- two-speed control system
- an automatic pull limiter
- free fall
- cable traction balancing
- mechanical traction unit
- ergonomic control
MULTILIFT hooklifts
- 14-30 ton capacity
- slide or tilt
- camera operated control system
- automatic positioning detection system
- integrated load weighing
- touch screen
- automatic load-based speed

HYVA hooklifts
- 12-30 ton capacity
- slide or tilt
- changeable hook
- bolted container supports and rolls
- fast unloading
- hydraulic combi-lock
- pneumatic or eletric control
Rahoitusturva - financing
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Keijo Riikonen
Superstructures and trailers, work acceptance, workshop and inspection services

Antti Pikkarainen
Sales Manager
Superstructures, trailers, cranes, retail

Janne Riihiluoma
Design Engineer
Superstructure product design, brake calculations
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