
JOAB hook lifts


JOAB retail

We operate as a retailer of JOAB hook lifts and HMF cranes in Eastern Finland. JOAB is the leading manufacturer of hook lifts in the Nordics and has been in the industry for over 60 years. We carry out the installation and maintenance of hook lifts and cranes. We also assembly the accessories you choose, from coupling equipment to light installations, as well as all the necessary hydraulic and electrical installations. You can also get JOAB and HMF spare parts from us directly from the shelf or with fast delivery.

Hook lifts and cranes

JOAB hook lifts are characterized by a solid structure, low profile and lightness, which together guarantee the best load capacity and efficient performance in all loading and unloading situations. HMF cranes have several different configuration options. You can choose e.g. control units, stabilization solutions and accessories such as cranes, flywheels and personnel baskets according to your usage needs.


Rahoitusturva - financing

Konekorjaamo Riikonen Oy is a partner company of Rahoitusturva. Rahoitusturva is a Finnish company specializing in corporate financial services, which offers our business customers flexible payment methods and financing options for products and services. Rahoitusturva services work quickly and effortlessly through online applications.


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Keijo Riikonen


Superstructures and trailers, work acceptance, workshop and inspection services


Antti Pikkarainen

Sales Manager

Superstructures, trailers, cranes, retail

Janne Riihiluoma

Design Engineer

Superstructure product design, brake calculations

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