
RIIKO® Energy Superstructures


RIIKO® energy box

Modernista erikoisteräksestä valmistetut RIIKO® energiakorit takaavat maksimaalisen hyötykuorman kuljetuskalustoosi. RIIKO® energiapäällirakenne on rakenteeltaan sekä kevyt että kestävä. Suurlujuusteräs mahdollistaa kevyen energiakorirakenteen, minkä ansiosta kuormatilavuus on paras mahdollinen. Moduulirakenne, helppo huoltaminen ja toisiinsa sopivat,  helposti laajennettavat varustuspaketit tekevät RIIKO® energiapäällirakenteista varman valinnan.

RIIKO® energy trucks and trailers

We implement RIIKO® Superstructures for trucks and trailers brand-free and in accordance with the special requirements of all axle and suspension options. RIIKO® crane brackets are also assembled on all crane models on the market. Crane assembly is dimensioned according to the selected chassis type and the loads driven on it, without forgetting the effects of the crane's center of gravity on the truck's driving characteristics in different situations. Optional components in energy superstructures include energy boxes, crane bracket, hydraulics, oil tanks, sanding gear, mudguards, toolboxes, light brackets, snow chain brackets and coupling equipment.


Reliable delivery and guaranteed quality

The entire production chain of our superstructures, from design to assembly, takes place in the same yard, which means that your order is completed quickly, on schedule. We make all RIIKO® products starting from press brake bending ending to surface finishing. The completed truck is also subject to a commissioning inspection in our own inspection hall. Our competent staff ensures that the superstructure is professionally implemented down to the last detail and that the superstructure leaving our workshop certainly meets your requirements.

RIIKO® energy box and Kilafors chassis

We assembly RIIKO® Energy Superstructures on Kilafors Karlavagnen chassis. We have been the official importer of Kilafors trailers since 2014. Kilafors is a top-quality trailer designed for Nordic conditions by the Swedish company Kilafors Industri AB. Kilafors is suitable for demanding forest and road transport. The frame is solid and very stable, so it can withstand strong swaying and heavy loads. The frame rolled from the I-beams of Kilafors trailers offers a very durable structure, low unladen weight and a long service life.


RIIKO® Adjustable Energy Box

RIIKO® Adjustable Energy Box for energy transport. Adjustable energy boards can be mounted inside timber bunks. Timber truck turns easily into energy truck and back for timber timber transport.Side boards are compatible with for example Terminator, ForestKing and most aluminium timber bunks. Sideboards have guides which eases the mounting and work as side locks. Boards are available painted and zinc coated. Side heights 2880-3050 mm and load capacity 44-50 m3 depending on the height of the timber bunks. Assembly height every 25mm. Width of the base 2320 mm. In addition, there is a suitable front wall for each set.

Rahoitusturva - financing

Konekorjaamo Riikonen Oy is a partner company of Rahoitusturva. Rahoitusturva is a Finnish company specializing in corporate financial services, which offers our business customers flexible payment methods and financing options for products and services. Rahoitusturva services work quickly and effortlessly through online applications.


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Antti Pikkarainen

Sales Manager

Superstructures, trailers, cranes, retail

Keijo Riikonen


Superstructures and trailers, work acceptance, workshop and inspection services

Janne Riihiluoma

Design Engineer

Superstructure product design, brake calculations

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